This week's events

 Yesterday, for lunch, I bought a bread called "raw donut'' at a convenience store and ate it. It had chocolate whipped cream in it and was very delicious! There are so many different types of bread available at convenience stores that it's hard to choose. So, I think I'll try a different bread next time. If you have any recommendations, please let me know!

 I like sweets called "Sakusaku Panda'' and buy them often. I bought this because the strawberry flavor was on sale for a limited time. It's very cute and delicious, so if you haven't tried it yet, please try it!

 Today, I went to Mitsuke City due to my part-time job. It was my first time going there, so I was nervous, but I'm glad I arrived safely! Taking this opportunity, I wanted to go to various places in Niigata Prefecture.

Thank you for reading my blog!


  1. The sakusaku panda is cute and looks delicious.I want to
    eat this too.

  2. Hi, I'm nanako. These sweets looks so delicious! I want to eat!!

  3. I have never been to Mistuke City. So, I want to try to go to there too!




[Unit Project 2] Butter and Soy Sauce Spaghetti

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