A fun day


 Yesterday, I went to the area near Niigata station with my friends. It was very windy and cold, but I had a lot of fun doing various things!

 First, we went to McDonald's. We hadn't eaten Triangle Chocolate Pie yet, so we were happy to be able to eat it. And since "Gracolo" was released recently, I ate this too! Everything was very delicious and I would like to go eat again. Since there is no McDonald's near my house, I thought it would be better if it was nearby.

 Next, we went to see the illumination. It was very beautiful with colorful gates and leaf-shaped objects and cute sparkling illuminations! We took a lot of pictures. It was so much fun that I forgot the cold! I love to see illuminations! So please let me know if there are any places in Niigata where I can see them!

Thank you for reading my blog!


  1. I love to see illuminations too! So, I want to see illuminations in this winter!

  2. Illuminations are very beautiful.

  3. Hi, I'm Riko. I haven't been able to go to McDonald's lately, so I was very eager to try it! I am very curious about the Gracoro!

  4. Hi, I'm Miyu. The illuminations is beautiful! I recommend the illuminations in Kyuryo-Park at Nagaoka city.

    1. Thank you for recommending it! I will go there someday!




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